
Halloween Patry!!

This year I decided to throw a Halloween party and it was a great success!! I'd like to send out my thanks to everyone that made it out, I was so impressed with all the great costumes! Hopefully this is just the beginning of a tradition that will get bigger and ever more frightening every year. Thanks again everyone!!!

We had all sorts show up, from hicks to a sorceress! Even CSI showed up to examine the various murder scenes!

Mum and I kept it mystical with me as a fire fairy and Mum as Mother Earth!

Further example of all the great costumes and people that turned up! Thanks for the great tunes guys!
John received all the votes for best costume! Dressed in full (REAL) Ninja gear, who else could compete??

My full fire fairy costume, and just a note....wings are not a good idea!!

Lucas was dressed as a 'warrior' from the 1970s Movie 'The Warriors', if you havent seen the movie check it out, it's awesome!

Sean, John, and Lucas, all at their best :)

A witch, mobster, fairy, dead guy, angel, Mother Earth, and two dirty hicks all at one party, just one of the reasons why I love halloween!!

The Host and Hostess exhausted at the end of the night!
Happy Halloween Everyone!!



Last night Lucas and his adorable little brother came over to carve pumpkins. We had so much fun drinking hot chocolate, eating cookies and carving really awesome pumpkins! Carving Pumpkins is one of my very favourite halloween activities and it was made even better by having a kid to do it with, kids are so awesome at halloween!! Posted by Picasa


Hurricane Katrina

This afternoon in my Homeland Security class we were discussing Hurricane Katrina. The discussions and images I saw inspired the following stanzas. I thought I would share them.

3rd world scenes in a 1st world state
Is there difference when at the gate?

Sins are sins, are some forgiven?
Sins are sins when you're not in heaven.

Dead bodies, vomit, and decay
Who will pay on judgement day?

If justice is truly found at the gate
Why spend money determining fate?

Who decides who is guilty?
the honest? worthy? Or the filthy?

Betrayal, terror, violence, treason
Mr. President, what's the reason?

Holding democracy at gun point
How many can you disappoint?

Bodies swelling with water and lead
Babies, parents, seniors...dead

All hail advanced security
All it costs is human purity


"I Need to Write. I Came That Way"

The other night I was "dragged" out to an event at Chapters. Five authors were visiting and were going to be answering questions, telling stories, and reading from their books. The authors were, Mary Balogh, Diana Gabaldon, Jack Whyte, Michael Slade, and Anne Perry. They were all in town for the international writers festival being held in Vancouver. The evening began with two young boys bringing the authors out with bagpipes and drums. They played none other than 'Scotland the Brave' and I wished that I had remembered to bring my camera. Each author stood and had 10 minutes to speak, read, or answer questions. I cannot say that I was more impressed with one author over the next. I enjoyed very much listening to Diana Gabaldon read from her new book as she is the only author of these five that I have read before (She writes 18th Century set novels that take place in Scotland). I was very impressed with both Michael Slade and Jack Whyte. My best friend who I was there with is a big Jack Whyte fan and is always telling me all about his books and after this I think it is about time I read some of his work. Michael Slade was really entertaining, telling story after story and drawing laughs from all around the room. He announced that his first book, 'Head Hunters', is going to Hollywood so be sure to watch out for that.

I always see these types of things in the movies or on TV (ie. Carrie in 'Sex and the City') and it was really cool to actually be at one myself. It is making me contemplate the slight writing bug that I have always had... After the authors had their time to speak there was a book signing where I went up with my best friend and met Jack Whyte.

The title quote is from Anne Perry. The photos, from top to bottom are of Jack Whyte, Diana Gabaldon, and Micael Slade.


Stop Obsessing!!!

For months and months now I have been stressing my opposition to antibarterial gels and soaps. I have been opposing them on the belief that they do more harm than good, killing bad as well as good bacteria that lives on our hands and skin. And yes, killing the bad bacteria is a good thing, but on the other hand, killing the good barteria is a very bad thing. The truth is that we need bacteria!! Good bacteria makes us healthy. This is especially true for children. I am 100% behind washing your hands on a regular basis with soap and water, as we have all seen time and time again on the news, this is highly recommended by all health professionals. What I am very glad to see now is health professionals coming out and expressing my same beliefs, that anti-bacterial soaps and gels are actually more detrimental than beneficial. Tonight the CBC aired a segment dedicated to this with health professionals warning people against using these antibacterial soaps and gels. They went further to highlight a certain ingredient, the key ingredient, as especially detrimental to your health. Not only are these gels and soaps destroying good bacteria they are creating stronger bacteria, bacteria that is learning to resist these chemicals. I regret that I do not have the knowledge to post details of this ingredient or greater specifics. But it is my opinion that if you are one of these people who keeps a bottle of antibacterial gel on you wherever you go (and you know who you are) you owe it to yourself to investigate this further yourself. Below are a few links that can start your research...

http://www.cbc.ca/health/ There is a featurette here called 'hygiene overkill'

Vancouver Sun Story on Antibacterial Soaps


Man of the Year

Before I went to see 'Man of the Year' I had heard a lot of mixed reviews about it. Some said that it was not as funny as they thought it would be, others that it was slow and not what they expected. Then there were people who absolutely loved it, thought it was hilarious political satire that everyone should give a chance. I rest myself somewhere inbetween these wise critiques. The movie is, in fact, not what you may be expecting, it is not loaded with one joke after the next, it is by no means a mindless comedy, and it is not a depiction of, say...what would happen if Jon Stewart ran for president. It is a movie about an honest man, an honest man who also happens to be a famous man, fed up with the state of politics in his country. As not so much of a joke, he decides to run for president and he wins. This movie is about many things, relationships, the pursuit of honesty, genuine accountability, corporate corruption, and then comedy. The jokes in this movie are hilarious, don't get me wrong but for once instead of the jokes being the movie, the jokes in this movie enhance a more serious story. What I like most about this film is that a lot of people who may not think about democracy and accountability on a regular basis if at all will go and see this movie for what he/she thinks will be a few laughs and instead (hopefully) will come out thinking about these important issues. Of couse this is a political science student writing this, so, if you do not want to be thinking about these things, even if you should be, do not go and see this movie. But remember this, you will be missing out not only on some really memorable jokes but on a refreshing take of american politics.


The Departed

Well it is a treck back to the oldschool movies we all know and love. The hardcore mafia flick with a new twist. Instead of the Italian mafia in New York we have the Irish mafia in Boston. The cast itself sets this movie up to be nothing but a loved piece of pure entertainment. Lucky for the audience this movie has a lot more to offer than mindless entertainment. Do not get me wrong, this film is extremely entertaining from start to finish, so much so in fact, that you barely notice the fact that it is a little over two hours long. It also leaves you with something to think about... pondering loyalty and deception. The performances are headed right for the 2006 nomination lists. I highly recommend this film, keep in mind though that it is very violent, intelligently violent, but violent nonetheless, so dont go on a light stomach.


Bye My Little Festiva

Well I have finally done it, I sold my little Festiva. I loved that car so much. It was my very first car and because of this I had quite the attachment to it. I was the first person in my group of friends to own a car so some really good times have taken place in that car. I was so sad to drive away from it yesterday but knew that it had to go. I hope the new owners take really good care of her. She deserves a few more years on the road. And yes, I know I am being a little melodramatic but I'm sad alright!!! Bye my little Festiva!! Posted by Picasa


Cirque Du Soleil: Delirium

Through a very strange turn of events Lucas and I ended up at 'Delirium' last night at GM Place. I had always wanted to see Cirque Du Soleil but at $100-$140 a ticket, could never afford it. And yesterday through a turn of fate, tickets sort of landed on us, it is hard to explain so I won't go into details. I am so glad we got to go, it was incredible!! There are too many adjectives to describe it and not one that does it true justice. Lucas, afterwards, said it was the only thing he had ever seen that warrented the term 'spectacle'. I agreed. I'm not sure I have ever sat in awe, not wanting to even blink, for that amount of time in my life. There was so much to see. And the talent!! It is truly unbelievable. For those who do not know, 'Delirium' is a musical performance with singers and musicians along with the acrobatics that are typical of Cirque Du Soleil shows. The images below were not taken by me but are actual pictures from the show.