
Lucas' Birthday!

The Night Out

The Actual Day!
(including the morning after) :)

At Deer Lake Park


Christmas Marathon 2007

Christmas #1 - Lucas' House!

Christmas at Lucas' house was really great. We had a wonderful traditional Polish Christmas dinner followed by opening presents and taking family photos. Lucas got a gorgeous Conga drum and got so many nice gifts including a handmade necklace from Poland, stationary, and new sports clothes. Thank you to Lucas' family for such a lovely night.

Christmas #2 - Mum and My House

Christmas at our house was really special this year. Mum and I shared a great breakfast complete with Champagne & Orange Juice before Lucas arrived and we started opening all the gifts. Mum got me some amazing clothes and jewelry. Lucas outdid himself this year with getting me some amazing CDs, the #1 movie I've been asking for for years, Pjs and Zelda! (plus much more!!) Don came over in the afternoon and we opened presents yet again! The food was amazing! Mum prepared a cajun style turkey and a full rack of Lamb! mmmmmm!

These pics are of the many gifts of the day. Pepsi got a cute little ornament from Don. I got Tibeten Peace Flags and a Rockin' Winter Riding Jacket. Lucas is wearing his Bday present from Mum.

Even more pics from my house! Cigars, cake and Sambuca!

Christmas #3 - Dad's House

Christmas at Dad's house was very relaxing after our 3 day Christmas Marathon. Kent played Santa while we ripped and tore into even more gifts! Dad got me some great lights for my bike that will ensure I'm always seen on the road! Thanks Dad and Collette! Top right is my gangster brother Reis and bottom left is my beautiful sister Kelsey with her boyfriend Kent.

Christmas was out of this world this year! I felt really blessed to be around all the people I love the most in the world. Thanks to Everyone and have a Happy New Year!


Christmas Open House

Mum and I just hosted our first Christmas Open House. It was a wonderful success and a really great time! This is larely thanks to our many friends who came by to enjoy this event with us. Many thanks to everyone who attended!

Mum with her new bike!

Lucas looking all suave :)

Heather, Mum & Adrian

Me and Mum

Lucas' money shot of the evening :)

Pepsi was there too!!


Festival of Lights

I cannot believe that this year was the very first year I've ever made it to the stunning Festival of Lights at Van Dusen Gardens. I felt like a little girl as the lights lit up my eyes and carols, chestnuts, and laughter engaged all the other senses. I couldn't look at everything fast enough. It was so beautiful and well put together I was in awe of all the work that must have gone into the display. I had such a wonderful time that I'm going again next week!


Mum's Office Kids Christmas Party

Today was the annual Boughton Office Kids Christmas Party and like last year, it did not disappoint. All the young children arrived dressed in their best dresses and suits prepared for a fun day of crafts, food and a special visit from Santa. Michael and I made our way through all the stations creating picture frames, bookmarks, and winning at Bingo. One thing I must say, is how wonderful all the children were who came to the party. There were 53 children in attendance today and at this some would cringe imagining screaming kids and utter chaos at times. This was never the case. The kids were so wonderful and polite patiently waiting for Santa to call their name or for their place at the craft table. It would be a wonderful holiday season if not only children but other adults took a lesson from these young kids in what the Christmas season is all about. Many Thanks to the Boughton Social Committee for such a wonderful day!
Mum and Me

Michael with Santa

Lucas and Me

Michael and Me

The beautiful view from Lucas' house