

I have very strong political views and I will share them with you if the occasion arises. I will tell you when you're wrong (or when you're right) and I will not scarifice my beliefs for anyone or anything. I find that people either love me for this or they hate me for it. Tonight, as I stood up for something I believed in I received strange looks, rolled eyes, and side smirks. I won't lie and say that that did not effect me, of course it effects me. What it does not do, and never will, is effect me so much that it causes me to step down.
The reality of me, is that I study one of the forbidden topics. Politics is right up there with religion as one of those topics you are never supposed to talk about over the dinner table or in various other social arenas. Well, too bad when it comes to me. Politics is what I study, it's what I do, day in and day out, I read it, I watch it, I analyse it, and I critique it. This ability and interest of mine is giving me a degree in June so it can't be that bad. And, believe it or not, that degree means that I know one or two things about the subject. Again, you can either love me for this or hate me for it but you cannot deny that it is who I am.
Tonight I stood up for something that was important to me. I chose not to participate in something I found to be racist and ignorant. Some people will not understand my reasoning, others will think that I am taking things too seriously. That is fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion was not going to let me do something that in my life would be hypocritical. I am proud of myself tonight for not stepping down.
What I am not proud of is telling two girls beside me that they should not take political science because it tends to ruin some of lifes mindless pleasures. I 100% revoke this comment. I would rather be aware of what occurs in the world around me than go through life oblivious and blind to the reality that is our world. I would not trade my political science degree for any Disney movie, crude TV show, or summarised news.
So that's it, that's me, well a part of me, a big part of me. Take it or leave it.


Anonymous said...

I remember when Aladin came out. I was living in Windsor, Ontario in a Polish neighbourhood. Almost all of my friends were Polish. My mom and another mom took myself and two girls to go see it in the theatres. I loved it. Hell, I still have a copy of the sequel (Return of Jafar) kicking around somewhere. I remember coming home from the movie, singing the songs and trying to figure out what Jasmine's tiger's name was. We couldn't remember. I later found out it was Raja, and I've remember that every since.

Sometimes I miss being little and oblivious to the ways in which the world is messed up. But I look back on things that I took as innocent kids entertainment when I was little and sometimes I'm appaled. When I was little, I didn't see the ways in which it was racist, narrowminded, and generally ignorant. It's the ignorance that really gets me. Both of the creators of this film, and those people who now know better but decide to hang on dearly to blissful ignorance.

I love that I am aware of more due to my education and exposure during university. I really love the pristinely blissful tingling sensation I get when I think about these things, and realize that I am expanding my awareness and scope of understanding.

I too don't think you should ever apologize to someone else for having been exposed to more of the picture than they have. If they disagree, then show me the bigger picture. If not, then end of discussion.

Oh, and fuck "A Whole New World". I rolled my eyes at that shit even when I was seven years old!

Anonymous said...

Way to go girl, THAT'S MY LASSIE Love Mom...PS. Lucas stop the swearing ! Just kidding Mom

KellyKaye said...

I admire the way you tell people EXACTLY what you're thinkin'! It's why I luv u! Not too sure what incident you're talking about, but I hope you let them have it:)