
Ikea Furniture and Indian Food

Well it's now official! We have our keys and the moving began last night with bringing in our new ikea furniture and enjoying some indian food from across the way. It was a really fun night even at the frustrating parts! Ikea furniture is a nightmare! We bought ourselves a wardrobe as Lucas and I needed more closet space and I've never in my life seen a more complicated piece of Ikea furniture! It was brutal! But with determination we got 85% done last night and will finish it off today. Again, these pics were taken with my phone, once we're in there I promise to take proper pictures with my nice camera :)

Our living space. The beautiful rug is compliments from Lucas' parents (many many thanks for that!)

The take-out Indian only had spoons on offer for cutlery! hahaha

Mmmm butter chicken and spicy beef curry! Our first dinner in our new home!

The insane amount of hardware for the Ikea wardrobe!

The beginning steps of putting it together :)

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