
Murray Lake Camping

Lucas, Neil, Jenn and I hit the road on a camping adventure this past weekend. We had no definite destination, just some conditions - be out in the middle of nowhere, in lots on trees with a body of water. We found the perfect place at Murray Lake, just 30 or so minutes past the toll booths along the Coquihala Highway. It was perfect!

It was a bit of a tight fit for four people and all of our gear in my Mum's little hatch-back but we made it work.

Mum's car became a 4x4 for the day along the logging road to Murray Lake. Thanks again for the wheels Mum. She came back all in one piece, I promise :)

Good times beside the campfire and lake

There's nothing better than roasting a smokie on the fire and listening to the Beatles...in Baroque?! Yup!

There were lots of beautiful butterflies around our campsite. One decided to take a rest on my stomach. It was pretty neat.

More good times around the fire!

Jenn French-braided my hair for me. The first time from what I can remember!

My Irn-Bru commercial shots and Lucas showing the devil in him.

All four of us by the lake!

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