
Election Night

It's a disappointing night. Unfortunately, the Liberal Party suffered significant losses tonight. The Conservative Party and NDP gained these lost votes. Luckily, the Conservatives did not manage a majority. PHEW! There are several things that were shocking here...honestly I'm tired and am feeling a tiny bit defeated.

One thing that I do have to mention is the voter turnout. In a world where democracy suffers, where wars are fought, where Canadian men fight for people's freedom and democratic right where people risk their lives to vote in a democratic election...the fact that we have the nerve to have the lowest voter turnouts in history is thoroughly disappointing and quite frankly, embarrassing. I never thought in my life that I would be embarrassed by my country. I am tonight. Those of you who didn't vote, should be ashamed and should be issuing some serious apologies to those around the world who are watching you take this valued right for granted. (10 million voters, it's official, did not vote tonight - I am so ashamed, shocked, disgusted. If one of you opens your mouth to complain about a thing, you have no right. If you don't like the candidates, spoil your ballot. It's more of a statement than sitting at home and not bothering)

Okay, so Election Night is not all about complaints, there was some fun too....check it out!

That little guy that I'm holding is Che. He would have voted.

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