
Those of you who know me well, know that normally I am not a very religious person. You also know that I was brought up catholic and one of the catholic traditions that I do participate in is Lent. For those of you who do not know what this is, it is when you give something up for 40 days (Think '40 Days and 40 Nights' starring Josh Hartnett) It is meant to be a scarifice of something that you would normally indulge in on a regular basis. For this years lent I have decided to give up procrastination. Now, normally people give up such things as chocolate or coffee as I once did, or in the case of the film Hartnett gives up sex. I've chosen to go a different route this year, a route that I hope will be more beneficial than giving up coffee would be. I am without a doubt a procrastinator, you will find me in the library the week before a paper is due picking up all my sources and frantically finishing papers the day before they are due. I am in luck this year, as every year, because lent falls right when all my papers and assignments are due. I must say that procrasitination is something that I do enjoy therefore this will be a sacrifice and it will be very difficult. However, I'm going to use this as incentive to quit my procratinating nature. I wish myself luck and I will need it.

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