
Spiral Fractures

OK, so here's the thing, lately, I have been feeling like people really do not understand what happened to me in December. I understand their logic of thinking, Jenn fractured her ankle in December, now it is June, she should be better now. Wrong. I am not better now. Just because I do not walk with a limp anymore (a majority of the time I might add) I must be able to do everything else right? Again, Wrong. The reality is that unless you have suffered from the same injury as me you cannot understand exactly how I am feeling. When it comes to physical activities there are very few that I can do, I can walk (not for long periods of time), I can cycle (this is my saving grace) and I can swim. That means that I cannot do the following: Anything that includes running, soccer, baseball, tag, jogging for exercise, basketball, ultimate frisbee, I can pass a frisbee so long as I do not have to run or jump for it, iceskate, surf, rollerblade, hike, climb, if anyone has any others feel free to include them here.
To be honest this is really upsetting for me. Having this injury rules out me participating in some of my favourite activities this summer. And I know, whoa is me right?! I understand that it can be worse. But that doesn't mean that I am super happy right now. What would help though it a little understanding. I dont need sympathy, I have had enough sympathy. But here is what you can do, don't look at my ankle and say 'Ew! What happened to you?' Don't tell me that my injury or the fact that i have a plate in my ankle is 'gross' or 'disgusting'. It is neither of these things, it is a reality and it is unfortunate.
And for those of you who think I'm just milking everything I can get out of this injury I thought a few visuals might help you understand. (my plate is not as large as these but you get the idea.)

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