
Curves Anyone?

The other night I was laying on the couch at Lucas' house doing some channel surfing while he did far more productive things. I came accross an old movie, 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' starring Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell. It is the first movie I had ever seen with Marilyn Monroe. I found it quite funny actually. A few days later, at my gym, having forgotten to bring my Maclean's I was forced to read the trash they have there. I picked up one of those tabloid magazines, Scoop or Us or whatever, the cover story was about hollywood actresses and how terribly skinny they are becoming. It got me thinking. What ever happened to curves?

In the fifties women wanted to be Marilyn Monroe or Jane Russell. That is, around a size 10, sexy curves and all. Today, in the new millennium, a century in which women are supposed to have more power and choices it seems as though our choices are very slim, quite literally. The media today flashes images of women no more than a size 4, leadin
g young girls, teenagers, and women alike to want to be that size. Some may argue that that is just another choice we have, I tend to disagree. I'm not sure it is a choice. I feel as though the pressure to be very thin is so thick that we feel as though we have no choice. Eating disorders are fast becoming an epidemic among young girls desperate to look like Keira Knightly or Paris Hilton or Kate Bosworth. Instead of loving who they are, they are putting themselves in danger.

I believe this generation is losing sight of what healthy looks like. There is only one extreme or the other, there is thin or overweight. Black and white. What ever happened to looking like a beautiful, healthy, curvaceous woman? Marilyn Monroe was an icon. As far as I'm concerned, young girls should still be looking at her and Jane Russell for an image of the female bodyand not the ultra thin bodies of female celebrities today.


Anonymous said...

Everything goes in cycles. Once we all get tired of skinny girls it will be trendy to have curves again. It'll never change until we quit worrying about what is in fashion this month/year/decade.

Jessi said...

Good post! I've been wondering the same thing for a long time....and it's so sad that all of these anorexic celebrities have people all around them that should be warning them -- and no one seems to be caring how dangerous it's getting!!

Anonymous said...

The funny thing about it, most men want women with curves!!!!

Lisa's Diet said...

Good post Jen, I hope being scrawny goes out of style foerever one day too, but hey Quentin likes to say, "a guy likes something to hold on to" and that always makes me feel better if I'm having a, "I could be smaller" day.