
Paul Simon

So last night I took Lucas to see the legendary Paul Simon. I took him for his birthday despite the fact that his birthday is roughly three months away...The show was incredible. Simon played all of his biggest songs and received many many standing ovations. What I was most impressed with was his spin on some of his classic songs, he managed to make them new yet not ruin their timelessness. My only grievance would be the fact that everyone sat during the performance! I couldnt believe people would sit during GRACELAND! or 50 WAYS! or DIAMONDS! COME ON PEOPLE!? Anyway I ended up standing up despite everyone else to some of my favourite songs. For some songs it is an absolute insult to sit during them! My personal favourite part of the concert (and Lucas') was when Simon played our two very very favourite songs back to back, 50 Ways and then Slip Slidin' Away, the moment for me was incredible, I did not want it to end. Slip Slidin Away is my very favourite song by Paul Simon and he played it incredibly, honestly I was almost in tears, I'll admit it. All I can say is that I am so glad that we did not miss the opportunity to see him and


Karma is a Bitch/Fabulous Thing

To those getting what is due to them, it is about time. To those watching it happen, isn't it sweet.


Studio 60

So, I really cannot believe that I am about to write about a television show on my blog, however, on a study break last night i stumbled upon 'Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip'. My "break" ended up lasting an hour because I was drawn in by this show. I really really enjoyed it. It takes place on a fictional comedy sketch show (think SNL). The catch phrase is, 'behind every comedy there is drama' or something like that. And it really is a great combination between comedy and drama. Amanda Peet, Matthew Perry, and Bradley Whitford are just some of the noteworthy names in the show. So if you're looking for a new escape once a week, check this show out. It was on last night at 10p, I'm not sure if it always will be so check it out.


While the World is Asleep

I am not sure why, but sitting here listening to a Bob Dylan song sang by Susan Tedeschi, Lord Protect my Child, I felt inclined to write about 11 September. Then I looked at the screen while my brain fought with my fingers. I wanted to scramble words down about the injustices that are going on around the world and the unintelligence of the most "powerful" man in the world but my head kept telling me to be more sensible than that. Tomorrow I can write about that. Instead, today, I am just going to leave you with the last three verses of this song.

While the world is asleep
You can look at it and weep
Few things you find are worthwhile
And though I don't ask for much
No material things to touch
Lord, protect my child

He's young and on fire
Full of hope and desire
In a world that's been raped, raped and defiled
If I fall along the way
And can't see another day
Lord, protect my child

There'll be a time I hear tell
When all will be well
When God and man will be reconciled
But until men lose their chains
And righteousness reigns
Lord, protect my child

I also have the lyrics to James Blunt's 'No Bravery' posted, they are worth looking at today as well.



Labour Day weekend, five of us headed down to the crazy American city that is Seattle. There was an equally crazy arts festival going on that weekend that we just could not miss. With bands like Blondie, Steve Miller Band, Great Big Sea, AFI, Breakestra, Electric Shades of Blue, Kanye West and A Tribe Called Quest, and art exhibits like 'Softly Threatening' and amazing street preformers and comedians, how could one miss it. The festival was amazing, the bands were incredible. Steve Miller Band was a dream come true, Great Big Sea made me so proud to be Canadian, Breakestra floored me with the amount of talent they had, and Kanye West was the ultimate preformer.
The city itself was a.....treat. It made me proud to be from Vancouver, lets just say that. We crammed 5 people into a 2 person hotel room which made for a lot of laughs. It was without a doubt the perfect way to close an equally amazing summer.

Clockwise: Some proud Canadians watching GBS, GBS singing, Steve Miller jamming on one of his very first guitars, and the saxophonist of Breakestra playing an alto and a tenor saxophone at the same time!!

The top right corner is a picture of one of the exhibits from 'Softly Threatening' and the bottom left picture is of a guy wearing a shirt that says 'Happiness is Being Polish' (taken just for Lucas)



Well, these last few weeks have been CRAZY to say the very least so you will have to forgive me for playing catch up. The last week of August Mum and I travelled down the coast of Washington and Oregon. After a rough start the trip turned out to be a great time. We camped the whole time which was an experience to say the least. Mum really did a great job as the master of the fire. And well, as you can see the sights speak for themselves.