
Paul Simon

So last night I took Lucas to see the legendary Paul Simon. I took him for his birthday despite the fact that his birthday is roughly three months away...The show was incredible. Simon played all of his biggest songs and received many many standing ovations. What I was most impressed with was his spin on some of his classic songs, he managed to make them new yet not ruin their timelessness. My only grievance would be the fact that everyone sat during the performance! I couldnt believe people would sit during GRACELAND! or 50 WAYS! or DIAMONDS! COME ON PEOPLE!? Anyway I ended up standing up despite everyone else to some of my favourite songs. For some songs it is an absolute insult to sit during them! My personal favourite part of the concert (and Lucas') was when Simon played our two very very favourite songs back to back, 50 Ways and then Slip Slidin' Away, the moment for me was incredible, I did not want it to end. Slip Slidin Away is my very favourite song by Paul Simon and he played it incredibly, honestly I was almost in tears, I'll admit it. All I can say is that I am so glad that we did not miss the opportunity to see him and

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