
My Poor Cat!!!

Today, thus far, has been awfully traumatising. One of Pepsi's claws had grown over and was digging into the pad of her paw. A trip to the Vet was in order which is never fun for any animal. It was the first time that they have ever had to take her into 'the back' which was really difficult for me as well as her. They took care of the problem claw and brought her in to me, while still bleeding (!!!!!), to tell me that it needed to be bandaged (not necessary if you ask me). My stomach was turning!!! Seeing my Cat in pain like that is so hard! When we got home she was really upset because the bandage was not allowing her to walk properly or hop up onto the couch, so she did everything she could to take it off. I turned my back for 5 minutes and there it was, the bandage, laying on the bed. This was also very traumatising for me, the Cat however has been much happier ever since...I guess at this point I cannot complain about that!

1 comment:

KellyKaye said...

Aw poor Pepsi:(