Let me set up a scenario for you, you are sitting in class, lets say this class is a political science class on the Canadian Government. Lets say that it is the first day of classes and the Professor asks the class to divide into two groups and the task is to come up with one or two sentences that sum up the situation of the Canadian Government today. Here are the sentences from the two groups, word for word:
"Stephen Harper is like the Prime Minister of Canada, which like means that the like Conservatives have like a majority in the like House of Commons. The Government is currently a like minority government with the like Liberal Party as the like official opposition".
GROUP 2 (shockingly they thought of the same two sentences!)
"Stephen Harper is the Prime Minister of Canada which means that the Conservatives have a majority in the House of Commons. The Government is currently a minority government with the Liberal Party as the official opposition".
Now, let me ask you something. Which of these statements sounds more intelligent? Group 1's or Group 2's?? I hope that you answered Group 2!
The point of this scenario is to point out just how unintelligent people sound when they litter their sentences with the word 'like'. I understand that in the English language this word is a 'filler word' much like 'um' and 'uh' and that sometimes it will be used but there has got to be a limit!! When a student is trying to get a point across and every third or fourth word is 'like', their point becomes less and less interesting and more and more frustrating. I cannot stand the constant usage of this word! It makes classes frustrating for me to the point that I would like to interrupt these people and ask them if they are aware that they are in University and that they are currently sounding as though they should either be back in High school or worse, not in school at all. If I am sounding harsh, good. I mean to be harsh about this because I know that the people who use this word in my classes are generally not unintelligent and do in fact deserve to be there. What they are failing to realise is that they do not sound as though they belong there sounding as though you belong in University is just as important as their ability to receive good grades. Can you imagine the presenter from Group 1 in an interview for, say, Law School, talking to the head of the criminal law department saying, "I think I would like really enjoy working in the courtroom. I like believe that like everyone deserves a like fair trial and I hope to like help provide that." Rejected! I would not want that person representing me let me tell you that!!
The bottom line is that using the word 'like' in your sentences in places that it does not belong makes you sound EXCEPTIONALLY unintelligent and it makes people around you not want to listen to what you are saying.
So, PLEASE stop doing it!!
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