
An Awesome New Saying!!

Hey all you transit users out there, do I have news for you! They have invented a new phrase that one can use often on public transit. I know how fond you are of cool new catchy phrases and I promise, this one will not disappoint!! Are you ready? Here it is:

'Excuse me'!!!

Now, isn't that wicked!? Not only will you look cool using it, you will sound cool using it too. Not to mention it's useful!! You know those instances where someone happens to be in your way, you use this new awesome phrase and chances are they will move out of your way!! Also, by using these two small words you can rest assured that the person you're pushing out of the way will not turn around and "accidently" hit you back.
So, transit users, my dear close friends, I'm telling you, try this new phrase out, you may find that it improves your day as well as the days of other fellow transit users. Good luck and do let me know how it works out for you!!


KellyKaye said...

Seems like people just don't care about others anymore. I get SO frustrated by rude people just stopping dead in their tracks, for no reason, in crowded places. Self-centred jerks...THERE ARE PEOPLE BEHIND YOU TRYING TO GO SOMEWHERE!!!!!

Jenns Theatre said...

hahaha that is awesome, that is sooo annoying!!!