

We have visited three different ruin sites in the last five days, Cahal Pech, Caracol and Tikal. Each one was amazing. Tikal was probably the most impressive due solely to it's size! The architecture is incredible and it's amazing to know that this was all done well over a thousand years ago. We have many pictures of these but are limited to only posting a few. We are planning on visiting one more ruin in the North of Belize so look out for those pics in the future! Oh and you can't see in the pictures but it was POURING rain at Caracol, we were soaked through completely! Thank god the rain here is so warm!
Me in the pouring rain at Caracol

One of the many temples at Tikal

Lucas at Cahal Pech, outside of San Ignacio. This is the first ruin we visited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenn and Lucas. Thanks for sharing your pictures...they are incredible. It looks beautiful there. These are memories of a lifetime to be sure. Take care and be safe. Luv Heather