
San Miguel

While we were in San Ignacio, our friend Germo told us that we must visit his Mayan home town of San Miguel. He even offered us a place to stay, with his family of Mum, Dad and 8 siblings. We accepted the offer and headed down south. When we arrived in San Miguel Germo's family hadn't gotten his message and had no idea who we were!! Nevertheless they listened to our story of meeting Germo and welcomed us into their home with open arms. They were such wonderful people and we were very sad when it came time to leave.
Germo's older brother Bernardino teaching me a traditional Q'echi dance
Me and Ercilia, Germo's younger sister
Germo's Mum Isabella teaching Lucas how to shell corn for tortillas

Me and Beverly at Lubaantun, a nearby Mayan ruin

Sunset over the village of San Miguel
Lucas with Germo's little brother Skyler, probably the smartest 2 year old we've ever met!

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