
#1 Movies of 2005

This morning I managed to catch Ebert & Roepers top 10 movies of 2005. Normally I don't like to pay attention to critics, I'd rather be the critic myself but I would have to agree with their two picks for the two best movies of 2005. Although I'd have to say that it is really hard for me to pick between four really great movies I saw this year to choose the absolute best. The two that Ebert & Roeper picked were 'Crash' and 'Syriana'. I absolutely loved these two films. Both of them had a real eye opening affect on me and many people I know who had the opportunity to see them. The other two that I would have to mention are 'Brokeback Mountain' and 'Constant Gardener', again two movies that were able to portray a reality in a very effective way. It would be very difficult for me to choose one of these movies as the absolute best of 2005, although if forced to make the decision this is how I would rank them:

1. Crash
2. Brokeback Mountain
3. Syriana
4. Constant Gardener

Any thoughts?


Canada's Oldest Company - Now American Owned

It may or may not be known by all of you that there has been a take over battle raging over the Hudson Bay Company, Canada's oldest company. A company so important to national identity that kids learn about the trading post in the junior years of highschool. As of very recently (I'm not certain of the exact date) this national treasure has been bought by Americans or an American. An American multi-millionaire by the name of Jerry Zucker has bought the company for $15.25C a share. This is just another example of how the Canadian national identity is being eroded while we sit back and watch it happen, and enjoy it for that matter. It won't be long until everything that is "ours" is "theirs". The question remains as to whether this is really a good thing or not. Economists will shake their fists in the air saying that it cannot possibly be anything but a good thing while patriots (if there are any) will be fighting to keep whatever we can authentically Canadian. It will be an interesting process watching the Hudson Bay Company change. Zucker claims that he has no intention of changing the Bay quite yet but it is only a matter of time. Until then I will hold onto the memories of visiting the legendary department store with my Gran and Grandad on a Sunday afternoon.

p.s. In regards to some of the comments I have received regarding my entry on Stephen Harper shaking his kids hands, if I'm losing things to "pick on" why did the provincial and some national news cover the exact same thing? How a person is with their family can strongly illustrate what kind of person they are. Also, I will give the benefit of the doubt to Harper, perhaps he did actually want to take his kids to school and did take time out of his schedule to do that. However lets not lose sight of the fact that he has advisors now planning his every move and taking your kids to school makes a nice front page picture of a new Prime Minister a large chunk of the country has trouble liking and trusting.


Oh Stephen - HUG your kids!!!

Just watching the news and would like to highlight something interesting. You see I think how a person acts with their family tells a lot about who they are. I just watched Stephen Harper shake his son and daughter's hands as he took and left them at school. Excuse me, he what???? HE SHOOK THEIR HANDS!!! So I know what you're assuming, his kids must be teenagers or something. Nope. His Son is around 10 and daughter around 6-8. Stephen, even BUSH hugs his daughters when he's leaving them! Imagine taking your young kids to school on their first day at a new school and shaking their hands!!! I can't even...I dont get it. I just don't get it. You shake your mailman's hand, you shake your priest's hand, you maybe even shake your dad's hand when you'r e40 and he's 65. I'm sorry but you do not shake your 7 year old daughters hand as she starts at a new school. What a warm, kind man we have about to run our country for the next two years. If you shake your daughters hand Mr. Harper how will you treat the poor? How will you treat the young girl about to become a mother? How will you treat the unemployed? How will you treat the student who has to become a stripper to pay for her schooling? Will you be so gracious to shake their hands?? If that is as much compassion you show your kids what kind of compassion are you going to show to the people of Canada?? Ooo I can't wait to find out. Or perhaps I can.


Introducing - Your New Prime Minister

This is Stephen Harper. This is who you just elected as our new Prime Minister. Yesterday people all over the country flocked to local elementary and highschools to vote. (At least you better have!) This is the man that you elected. I sure as hell hope that you took the time to read into his policy stances and what he stands for and didn't only vote for him because mommy and daddy always have or whatever other reason. Enjoy watching our country under this man. Hopefully we'll still be able to recognise it at the end of the day.

Official Number of Seats:
Conservative - 124
Liberal - 103
NDP - 29
Bloq - 51 (this is scary)
Independent - 1

Paul Martin called the Governor General this morning to resign. I honestly believe that Paul Martin was a good man who got caught in a mess he shouldn't have been caught in. He handled it well and I'm glad to say that he was at one time our Prime Minister. Good Luck PM PM.


The Eternal Optimist

It is not unknown by anyone that often times life can change. Life can change and sometimes that change can be so sudden that it can feel like a punch in the stomach and you're left wondering whatever in the world could have hit you that hard. That does not even begin to describe how I am feeling today. Last night my life decided that is was time for a door to close. And as the cliche goes that means that I should be on the lookout for the door that is supposedly due to open now. Until that time it seems that you get frozen in time. Numb from the things that are going on around you. Luckily for me I was brought up an optimist. I do not doubt for a second that my life knows what its doing. That by no means, however, takes away any pain that is felt in the process. I suppose that I, like all the rest who have been exactly where I am, for under no uncertain circumstances is my situation orignal, I will have to just embrace what life gives me and wait patiently for that other door to open. Until then I'll work on decorating the space I currently have to occupy.


Brokeback Mountain

Tuesday night I went to see Brokeback Mountain, the drama directed by Ang Lee starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. The film begins with the two charaters arriving at a trailer looking for work for the summer. The job is tending to sheep on brokeback mountain. Ennis and Jack form a friendship that eventually gets overtaken by lust and love. Ledger and Gyllenhaal deliver amazing performances that will prove to gain them an immense amount of respect in Hollywood. It is one thing to act in love, it is entirely another thing for two heterosexual men to portray homosexual love in a world still not completely accepting. The movie takes place through the sixties and seventies, two decades even less accepting of homosexuality. This comes through in how the two deal with who they are, often by stating that they are not "queer". The acting and direction in the movie surpasses all the movies I had the opportunity to watch in 2005. It is for this reason that this movie is my prediction for best picture at the 2005 Oscars (Nominations have not yet been released however, I am confident enough that when they are Brokeback Mountain will be on that list). If you get the chance try to go see this movie before it leaves the theatre. It is a history making film not to be missed.



This morning I went to see my surgeon to check up on my progress. He told me that the break was completely healed and I could start trying to walk TODAY!!!!! That means it only took 5 weeks for me to heal! I've always been told I was a fast healer but that is fantastic. So I was told that it may take several days to walk on my own HA try several minutes. After 10 minutes I had set the crutches aside and was walking completely on my own!! I'm not going to lie, it wasn't all that easy, there is still quite a bit of discomfort but hey I'm walking and that is all that matters today. :)


Take the STAIRS!! -My angry rant

I would like to say a little something to those of you who use an elevator when you're going up or down two or so floors. Why are you taking the elevator? Lazy? and to the people I've encountered why are you squeezing into an elevator with someone who actually needs to be in there leaving little to no room to move. I would like to point out that SFU has many staircases to choose from and GET THIS they are usually right next to all of the elevators!! Imagine that. I know that sometimes taking the staits seems more difficult, why walk up stairs when there's something that lifts you to the floor you want to be on? Ha well here's a couple reasons for you, how about because you can walk up the stairs and on top of that it's good for your health, get some exercise inbetween classes.

I realise I'm sounding angry and to tell you the truth I am. I fully realise that a broken ankle in the grand scheme of things is nothing and that really isn't why I'm angry. I'm frustrated and fed up with the inconsideration of human beings. What ever happened to looking out for fellow man or any of that crap? It is a sad day when the negative things that happened to me in a day over shadow the kind people that held open doors or helped me with something. And it is not just me, this temporary disability has opened my eyes to the kind of treatment people with permanent disabilities have to deal with on a daily basis for the rest of their lives. It is unbelievable.

I would like to close this rant on a positive note. I'm not completely disappointed, there are people who are so kind, who will go out of their way to do the smallest thing. You have no idea what these little things mean. For example I'd like to thank the girl who went out of her way to rush to help me with a door that was too heavy for me. These are the things that make my day better and I would like to plead with everyone else to always have compassion not impatience, understanding not frustration for disabled people. The frustration I have had to deal with is unbelievable and it PALES in comparison to what others go through. Think about that.

Compassion NOT Impatience

Understanding NOT Frustration


Monumental day - STARBUCKS

Ok so I did it. Today I went to Starbucks. Those of you who know me well know that I haven't gone to Starbucks in over 2 years. I don't know what made me do it today but I did. I had a tall chai latte. The worst part of the whole thing....it was the best chai latte I've ever had. I don't think I'll be right back into it but it's a start. The boycott is over.



I've come to the quick and yes somewhat obvious conclusion that walking is something that people most definately take for granted. I was just as guilty of this as the next person. Today was my first day of classes and it was not easy. Getting from the bus to my class room was exhausting, the only elevator available to me was furthest away from my class and when I arrived I was out of breath and sweaty. Not a cool thing to be when it's the first day of class. Luckily I'm not one to care what anyone thinks and I have a lot of friends in the class but still. THEN of all things my Prof is MIA!! So I go through all this effort for what??? To sit in a class for 10 mins!! Well being one not to waste an opportunity, Lucas, Josef, Meryll and I headed to the pub for some afternoon pints. One of the reasons I love polisci majors, they're always up for a pint in the pub. So it wasn't a wasted day after all that effort to get where I want to go. Another thing I'm learning, even though I believe that I'm not at all guilty of this is the value of friends. What an amazing help my friends are. I don't know what I would do without them, Tom to help me with everything basically, Lucas helping me with my bags and finishing my beer, Quinten and Lisa helping with sore shoulders and untied shoes, Tara carrying everything and anything for me. None of it goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Thanks Guys!!!!!!

By the way I have an appointment with my surgeon next week, fingers crossed for walking soon!